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Bob Lundie - K1BOB, AFFC Commander

Bob graduated from the University of Connecticut in 1974 with a bachelor of science degree in natural resource conservation. He joined the Air Force and was commissioned in 1976.  Bob flew the F-111A while stationed at Mountain Home AFB in Idaho and switched to the F-111E in RAF Upper Heyford in the UK.

Bob moved into command positions in the early 1990's, with assignments at Langley AFB, VA as the Inspector General's executive officer, and Director of Operations, Deputy Commander and Commander of the 649th and 75th Support Groups at Hill AFB, UT.  In 1998, he became the Inspector General for the 86th Military Airlift Wing at Ramstein AB, Germany.  Colonel Lundie completed his Air Force career as the Vice Wing Commander at Tinker AFB, OK, and retired in 2006.

Today, Bob and Lyn, his wife of 40 years, reside in Boise, Idaho.  They enjoy golf, travelling in their RV, boating, fishing, and off-roading.  And when they travel, there's always an HF radio that rides with them!

Bob is the founding vice president of the Boise County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) group. He also helps maintain the group's VHF repeater and Emergency Operations Center at the county Sheriff's building.

Bob teaches a variety of ham radio topics for groups and new/potential Hams.  He runs a local VHF net as needed and provides training over the air.

Bob is a regular AFFC Net Controller.  Tune in on Monday mornings to enjoy his fine work!

73 - Bob Lundie, K1BOB, AFFC #546

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