Daily Controlled Net
We meet every morning at 11:00 Eastern (10:00 Central, 9:00 Mountain, 8:00 Pacific) on the 20-meter band at 14.290 MHz. A net controller starts the net by calling for check-ins. After assembling a list of participants, the net controller calls each participant in turn for a few minutes of comments regarding their lives, current events, aviation, or whatever else might come to mind. Once everyone has had a chance to speak, a final round begins, with every participant offering their final comments and 73's. We strive to finish no later than 12:30 Eastern in order to accommodate another net that starts at that time.
All are welcome to join in, members and guests alike. You are likely to hear weather reports from around the country, snippets of advice regarding just about any topic under the sun, the occasional political comment and perhaps a war story or two.

Tuesdays Are Special!
In addition to the daily 20-meter net, we have two more offerings on Tuesdays, when we venture outside the boundaries of 20-meters for some 40-meter action! Jon Stromsland (WA6LJS), our Finance Officer, hosts the first on 7.181 MHz starting immediately after the 20-meter net closes down. This net is primarily for those on the west coast who are unable to hear each other on 20-meters due to their close proximity to each other. All members and guests are welcome to participate.
On Tuesday evenings starting at 6:00 Pacific we have our weekly evening net hosted by our Webmaster, Jennifer LaChance (KF5HCD). 40-meters is busy this time of day, and we have not established a base frequency yet. Open NetLogger or check the Utah #1 SDR for the frequency de jour.