AFFC Bylaws
- I. The name of this organization shall be the Air Forces Flyers Club.
- a. The Air Forces Flyers Club shall hereafter be referred to in this document as AFFC or the Club.
- II. The AFFC shall be a non-profit, veterans organization as defined under the Internal Revenue Code as it now exists or may be amended Sections 501(c)(1) and/or 501(c)(3).
- III. The purpose of the AFFC is to promote fellowship among licensed amateur radio operators who have served in the Air Force or Air Branches of the Marine Corp, Navy, Army or Coast Guard. Members of Allied Forces with similar services are also eligible.
- a. Fellowship is affected by the establishment of Communications Nets, as described and regulated under FCC and Amateur Radio rules.
- IV. AFFC Bylaws shall be promulgated and maintained to reflect the wishes and desires of the active membership.
- V. The Executive Council, hereafter referred to as EC, shall consist of seven members.
- a. The chairperson of the EC will be the Commander (CO) with the Vice-Commander (VCO) as his backup.
- b. A quorum will be established with the vote of any four officers either by voice, email or snail mail.
- c. The EC shall set dues, budgets, etc. in order to maintain the AFFC as a viable organization.
- VI. Officers
- a. All officer positions are served by volunteer AFFC members in good standing.
- b. Officers shall serve for an indefinite period and may relinquish their office at any time.
- c. Voting is not required to install a new officer except in the case where more than one member volunteers to serve in a particular office. In such cases the matter will be put to a vote among all members in good standing.
- d. The Commander (CO) shall be the chief volunteer officer of the AFFC. The CO shall lead the EC in performing its duties and responsibilities and shall perform all other duties incident to the office or properly required by the EC. The CO shall provide overall direction of and leadership to the AFFC. The CO shall appoint members to positions as necessary.
- e. The Vice Commander (VCO) shall, in the absence or disability of the CO, perform the duties of the CO. When so acting, the VCO shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the CO. The VCO shall have such other powers and perform such other duties prescribed for them by the EC or the CO.
- f. The Executive Officer (XO) shall assist the CO and VCO with day-to-day management of the AFFC. The XO shall be available to assist or stand-in for other officers as needed.
- g. The Operation Officer (OO) shall establish, organize and direct AFFC net schedules. The OO shall provide current membership rosters for Net Controllers and manage the AFFC officer elections.
- h. The Finance Officer (FO) shall provide oversight of the financial condition and affairs of the AFFC. The FO shall oversee and keep the EC informed of the financial condition of the AFFC. The FO shall deposit all monies received to a dual-signature checking account used exclusively by and for the AFFC. The FO shall manage the new-member onboarding process.
- i. The Supply Officer (SO) shall maintain an accurate account of items, such as patches, decals, etc. that are owned by the Club.
- j. The Webmaster (WM) shall maintain the Club’s website, keeping it current and relevant. The WM shall ensure there is adequate security and maximum up-time for the website. The WM shall assist the FO with the new-member onboarding process.
- VII. Membership
- a. Regular Members
- 1. Members must be licensed amateur radio operators.
- 2. Members must have prior or present honorable service with the Air Force or any of the Air Branches of the Marine Corp, Navy, Army or Coast Guard.
- 3. Each member will enjoy all rights to include voting and holding an executive position, which he may be called upon to fulfill.
- b. Associate Members
- 1. Associate Members must be licensed amateur radio operators.
- 2. Associate Members must be family members of any regular member.
- 3. Associate Members must be approved by the Executive Council.
- c. Honorary Life Memberships
- 1. Honorary Life Memberships are recommended to and approved by the Executive Council.
- d. Dues
- 1. Dues are established by the EC at an amount calculated to cover all Club expenses. Such expenses include but are not limited to:
- i. Postage and printing expenses.
- ii. Expenses associated with patches, decals and certificates.
- iii. Hosting, software licenses, and other expenses associated with the AFFC website.
- 2. Membership dues are to be paid in January each year.
- 3. An active member is one with paid-up dues.
- 4. Members who are in arrears are not considered active.
- e. The FO shall send a list to the EC of all active members periodically and on request by the EC.
- VIII. Exempt Activities Limitation.
- a. Not withstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, no officer, member, or representative of this organization shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the organization not permitted to be taken or carried on by an organization exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as it now exists or may be amended, or by any organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of such Code and Regulations as it now exists or may be amended. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to any officer, member, or other private person, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the Articles of Establishment and these Bylaws.
- IX. By-Law Amendment
- a. These By-Laws may be altered, amended, repealed or restated by a written poll or vote of the majority of the active membership, providing:
- i. That no amendment shall be made to these bylaws which would cause the AFFC to cease to qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and
- ii. That all amendments be consistent with the AFFC Articles of Establishment.
- b. Changes may be proposed by any active member of the AFFC.
- c. Proposed changes shall be submitted in writing by the proposer to the EC.
- d. The WM shall post any and all proposed changes on the AFFC website for review and comment by the membership.
- e. Proposed changes shall be enacted with a majority vote from the active members.