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Member NumberCall SignFirst NameLast NameStatusCityStateMember Bio
702 KR4SH Richard Russell Resigned Holt Florida Richard's Bio
703 KQ6E Mike Spinelli Inducted Anthem AZ
704 KM4IBA Mike Cross Inducted Fort Walton Beach Florida
705 WB5LXZ Bucky Geer Inducted Bedford TX
706 W8ERI James (Jim) Widlar Inducted Lyons CO Jim's Bio
707 W8CWC John Catlin Inducted Mt. Washington KY
708 KI5UXC Larry Pollis Inducted Plano TX
709 KG5LRB George Raney Resigned Santa Fe NM
710 KE8GA George Vilican Inducted Fairview NC
711 KA7FBI Derek Le Vie Inducted Yorktown VA

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